作者: pjw 时间: 2020-2-7 20:06
放啊 作者: sj0331 时间: 2020-2-7 20:09
3.8储存电压没问题啊,满电4.2v,卖家说错了吧。 作者: 沈淼章 时间: 2020-2-7 20:22
是放到3.65,充到满电4.2,储存3.8吧作者: whowe 时间: 2020-2-7 20:23
给你复制一段 Google 的结果:
The common sense of lipo voltage as below:
A fully charged lipo voltage is 4.2V per cell (HV lipo can be charged to 4.35V).
A lipo cell battery should never be discharged below 3.0V.
The proper lipo storage voltage is 3.8V per cell.
A lipo cell nominal voltage is 3.7V.