The purpose of this site is to show examples of free-flight flying scale models from the UK, together with (hopefully) useful information, hints and tips for fellow builders. If newcomers to this fine hobby find encouragement here, then so much the better!
My main interest is in traditionally constructed scale models, built using a balsa framework covered in tissue. Motive power is usually electric, CO2 or the traditional rubber strip motor. It is years since I built a model with an internal combustion motor in it - nowadays there seems to be a move towards quieter, more "enviromentally friendly" power units, so CO2 and Electric are becoming more popular, and there are even compressed air power units now available. The appearance in recent years of Rapier solid fuel propulsion units has also lead to an entertaining detour into the wonderful world of small free-flight scale jets.
[ 本帖最后由 gale 于 2007-6-1 15:24 编辑 ]作者: gale 时间: 2007-6-1 13:24
我对干冰引擎非常感兴趣,看起来应该是很便宜的东西:只要有一个容器装干冰,并且能承受其气化压力即可。另外,不知道“Rapier solid fuel propulsion units”究竟是什么东东。不过这个牛人的模型做得太棒了。
[ 本帖最后由 gale 于 2007-6-1 13:25 编辑 ]作者: gale 时间: 2007-6-1 13:26
[ 本帖最后由 gale 于 2007-6-1 13:28 编辑 ]作者: gale 时间: 2007-6-1 13:28
The second shot shows how I extract the motor. In operation each motor is recessed 1/4" within it's nacelle. To remove the spent casing I pull the retaining wire away from the casing then insert a heavy guage wire through the nacelle inlet cone and push it out. The scale nacelle outer diameter did not allow augmented airflow into and around the motor. However, the motor mount has an 1/16" air gap around the motor and the inner surface of the nacelle is foil lined. I won't have any cooling problems.
Not seen in the pictures - the rear turret has twin 20 mm cannons made from one of those nylon tag tethers found on new clothing. They're rigid but flexible if I forget about them. Piano wire or pins hurt, these don't! More info. will follow as weather improves and I begin glide testing."