New in REFLEX XTR 5.04
The actual version 5.04.0 offers the following new features:
Support for the new iVol input device and the USB-Slimstick-Interface.
The iVol offers a real trainersystemfor usage with the simulation software, also with the opportunity to select each single control.
Extended number of channels to 12.
More easy access to calibration and channel assignment by using real easy to understand images.
2 new sceneries from the Alps mountains: MV Zugspitze (Germanys highest mountain) and MFC Salzburg (Austria).
New helicopter CALIBER-5 from KYOSHO.
Program startup with splash screen display.
Optimized software performance to increase the framerate of the next to reality simuation.
Start the torque- and hovertrainer directly from the running simulation.
Brandnew RMK version 2.42 to create more exciting models for REFLEX XTR.
:em17:作者: honglin 时间: 2007-12-27 22:37 标题: 現在一般用的是 5.03 支持漢化啦 支持漢化啦 . 5.04 沒用過:em04: :em04: