5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)

标题: 2012年空天技术国际研究生暑期学校(临近空间飞行器技术) [打印本页]

作者: ssq870424    时间: 2012-5-16 20:09
标题: 2012年空天技术国际研究生暑期学校(临近空间飞行器技术)
际研究生暑期学校是国家教育部研究生教育创新工程重要组成部分。2012年 "临近空间飞行器技术"国际研究生暑期学校,由教育部主办,国防科技大学承办。本届国际研究生暑期学校(临近空间飞行器技术)依托国防科技大学航空宇航科学与技术一级学科、力学一级学科、材料科学与工程一级学科,以国防科技大学现有研究生教育资源为基础,特别邀请国内外知名专家学者授课并举办学术报告会,讲授本学科领域核心课程,介绍本领域学术发展动态和最新研究成果。
一. 主题:临近空间飞行器技术
二. 时间:2012年6月25日~2012年7月8日
三. 地点:湖南长沙国防科技大学
四. 招生
1. 招生对象:空天领域的博士、硕士研究生、高年级本科生以及青年教师和专家。
2. 招生人数:正式学员80人、旁听学员20人。
3.报名方式:登 陆暑期学校网址http://www.nudt.edu.cn/1y/summerschool2012,下 载填写学员申请表并提交至组委会邮箱:gss2012spacetech@sina.com(邮件主题按:"暑期学校申请:姓名_大学"的格式填写);同时打印纸质版一份,由研究生院、教务处或所在院系审核盖章后传真到0731-84512301。
4. 报名截至时间:2012年5月31日
5. 录取:录取通知将在2012年6月8日前在暑期学校网站上公布,同时以电子邮件的方式通知学员本人。
五. 暑期学校教学设置
1. 学术报告
2. 专题讲座由本领域国际知名教授开设,主要包括:
3. 课程实践
4. 参观见学
参观国防科技大学天河机房,空天图像处理与视觉导航实验室,结构振动控制实验室,纳星研究生创新基地,中 国南车时代新材有限公司,中南大学陈列馆,以及国家和国防重点实验室等。
5. 其它
六. 学员待遇
七. 联系方式
网址:http://www.nudt.edu.cn/1y/summerschool2012 电子信箱:gss2012spacetech@sina.com

2012 International Summer School on Aerospace Technology (ISSAT) – Near-space Vehicle Technology
International graduate summer school is an important part of “Graduate Education Innovation Project” of Ministry of Education of PRC. The 2012 International Summer School on Aerospace Technology (ISSAT) – Near-space Vehicle Technology, authorized by the Ministry of Education of PRC, will be held on Jun.25th to Jul.8th, 2012, at National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China.
Aerospace vehicle technology is a key enabling technology that promotes human progress and economic development. Near-space is a newly realized region connecting outer space and near ground atmosphere with unique altitude advantage and environment characteristics, having enormous exploitation potential and broad application prospect, which stimulate strong research interests all over the world. Near-space Vehicle Technology, representing one of the most promising and energetic fields, contributes to the development of aerospace-related disciplines, the expansion of human activities in space and the cultivation of top talents with high level of capability and innovation.
NUDT has done extensive researches in Near-space Vehicle Technology and accumulated abundant experience in both scientific research and education. NUDT is among the earliest and main supporting institutions to carry out researches in near space vehicle technology. Currently, the college has 2 national key disciplines, aerospace propulsion theory and engineering and flight vehicle design; 3 first-class disciplines at the provincial level, mechanics, aerospace science and technology, materials science and engineering; 2 national innovation groups, 3 members of Chinese Academy of Science, 1 Yangtze Fund Scholar, 3 members of education instruction committee of Ministry of Education, 6 experts of National High-Tech R&D Program.
In order to share the education resources, facilitate academic exchanges and cultivate young talents, the Ministry of Education of PRC commissioned NUDT to host this Summer School. ISSAT2012 will specially invite excellent professors in Aerospace technology to present lectures and seminars, organize colorful academic discussions and activities as well. Participants will have valuable opportunities to communicate with internationally renowned scholars and benefit in broadening the vision and inspiring innovative thinking. Join us in an enjoyable summer vacation!

[ 本帖最后由 ssq870424 于 2012-5-16 21:09 编辑 ]
作者: ssq870424    时间: 2012-5-16 20:18
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