word order = (+ X Y Z B C I J K R D )
word order = (+ S M2 EM )
define block tape start
G1 0 ; G5 ; X fromX ; Y fromY
S ToolSpeed ; M2 3
end define
define block tape end
M2 30
end define
经过修改的比较好用的代码!!保存MACH3.opt 就OK了!!请大家试试!!作者: bbb1225 时间: 2012-7-14 10:07
看看 瞧瞧 僂僂作者: szcjl 时间: 2012-7-14 10:11
:em15: 学习学习作者: sfj88713 时间: 2012-7-14 10:16
machine fanucom —————— 后处理文件头
=========================== 第一部分是定义字符段 ==============================
define word TN
address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- "
address width = 13
field width = 25
end define
define word TN —————————————— 定义字段;
address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- " ————— 定义字段的返回值,比如在后处理文件里有“MS =C ; TN ToolType ; EM =C”,而在写程式的时候选用的是端铣刀,那么在CNC程式里就会有(TOOL TYPE:- ENDMILL);
address width = 13 ——————————— 定义字符宽度,如上"TOOL TYPE:- ",从T开始算起一共13位,包括空格;
field width = 25 ——————————— 定义返回字的宽度,如上"ENDMILL",如果field width = 2,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回EN;如果field width = 25,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回ENDMILL。
end define
========================== 第二段是定义字符的格式 =============================
define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O )
address width = 1
field width = 2
exponent width = 0
scale factor = 1
scale divisor = 1
tape position = 0
print position = 1
sign = none
not permanent
not modal
metric formats
leading zeros = false
trailing zeros = true
decimal point = false 控制公制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点
decimal places = 0
imperial formats
leading zeros = false
trailing zeros = true
decimal point = false 控制英制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点
decimal places = 0
end define
word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )
word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )
word order = ( + I J K R D S T )
word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q ) 注册字符
word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )
word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )
========================== 第三段是定义键值 ===================================
define keys
blocknumber = N —————— 定义程序段号
preparatory function = G1 ——————— 定义准备功能指令
aux function = M1 —————— 定义辅助功能指令
x feedrate not used ————— 定义X进给率指令
y feedrate not used ————— 定义Y进给率指令
z feedrate not used ————— 定义Z进给率指令
circle angle not used ————— 圆周角度
x coordinate = X —————— 定义X坐标轴
y coordinate = Y —————— 定义Y坐标轴
z coordinate = Z —————— 定义Z坐标轴
key i = I —————— 定义X轴矢量I键
key j = J —————— 定义Y轴矢量J键
key k = K —————— 定义Z轴矢量K键
feedrate = F —————— 定义进给率指令
feedrate per revolution = F ——————— 定义每转进给率指令
spindle = S —————— 定义主轴指令
tool number = T —————— 定义刀具指令
cycle dwell not used
dwell = X ————— 定义暂停时间键值
tool length = H —————— 定义刀具长度补偿指令
tool radius = D —————— 定义刀具半径补偿指令
drill peck depth = Q1 —————— 钻孔的啄钻深度
drill hole depth = Z2 —————— 定义钻孔深度
clearplane = R2 ————— 定义安全平面高度
message start = MS ————— 定义注释的开始符
message end = EM ———— 定义注释的结束符
opskip = OP ———— 定义跳段符号
radius = R ————— 定义半径R键
program id = ID ————— 定义程序号
azimuth axis = B ————— 在多轴加工中,定义方位轴
elevation axis = C ————— 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴
3rd rotation axis = null ————— 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴
leader not used
x vector not used
y vector not used
z vector not used
error not used
end define作者: sfj88713 时间: 2012-7-14 10:16
========================== 定义指令值 ========================================
define codes
rapid = G1 0 ========== 快速点定位
linear = G1 1 =========== 直线插补
circle cw = G1 2 =========== 顺圆插补
circle ccw = G1 3 ========== 逆圆插补
dwell = G6 4 ========= 暂停、准确停止
xy plane = G3 17 ========= XY平面
zy plane = G3 19 ========= YZ平面
xz plane = G3 18 ========= ZX平面
compensation off = G2 40 ========== 取消刀具半径补偿
compensation on left = G2 41 =========== 刀具半径左补偿
compensation on right = G2 42 =========== 刀具半径右补偿
imperial data = G4 20 ============ 英寸输入
metric data = G4 21 ============ 毫米输入
absolute data = G5 90 ============ 指定绝对坐标编程
incremental data = G5 91 ============ 指定增量坐标编程
from = G3 54 ========== 制定工作坐标系
feedrate per minute not used ================ 每分钟进给
feedrate per revolution not used ================= 每转进给
spindle rpm not used
constant surface speed not used
drill = G4 81 =========== 钻孔循环锪镗循环
break chip = G4 82 =========== 钻孔循环或反镗循环
deep drill = G4 83 ============ 深孔钻循环
tap = G4 84 ========== 攻丝循环
bore 1 = G4 85 ========== 镗孔循环
bore 2 = G4 86 ========== 镗孔循环
bore 3 = G4 87 ========== 背镗循环
bore 4 = G4 88 ========== 镗孔循环
bore 5 = G4 89 ========== 镗孔循环
end of drill = G4 80 ============= 固定循环取消
macro start not used ============ 宏程序模态调用
macro end not used =========== 宏程序模态调用取消
macro call not used ============ 宏程序调用
cycle retract = G6 99 ========== 固定循环返回到R点
tool length offset = G3 43 =========== 正向刀具长度补偿
spline not used ======== spline插补方式
stop = M1 0 ==== 程序停止
opt stop = M1 1 ===== 选择停止
spindle on cw = M1 3 ===== 主轴正转
spindle on ccw = M1 4 ===== 主轴逆转
spindle off = M1 5 ===== 主轴停止
spin coolant on cw = M1 13
spin coolant on ccw = M1 14
spin coolant off = M1 5 ====== 冷却液关
change tool = M1 6 ====== 自动换刀
coolant on mist = M1 7 ===== 雾状冷却液
coolant on = M1 8 ==== 冷却液开
coolant on flood = M1 8 ===== 冷却液开(喷出)
coolant off = M1 9 ===== 冷却液关
clamp on not used
clamp off not used
end of tape = M1 2 ===== 程序结束
end of prog = M1 30 ===== 程序结束
gear range 1 not used
gear range 2 not used
gear range 3 not used
constant contour speed not used
constant contour speed 2 not used
word drill not used
word break chip not used
word deep not used
word tap not used
word bore 1 not used
word bore 2 not used
word bore 3 not used
word bore 4 not used
word bore 5 not used
coolant on tap not used
rigid tap not used ====== 刚性攻丝
helical drill not used
helical retract drill not used
end define作者: sfj88713 时间: 2012-7-14 10:17
================================ 定义变量 ======================================
print header = "Delcam Postprocessor" ================== 定义打印标题
machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" ========= 机器名
point = "." ================================ 小数点
zero = "0" =============================== 零
tape headers = 1 ============================== 纸带标题
(integer 6 、integer 7):定义coolant output(冷却液输出)
integer 6 = 2 ============== 定义冷却液开(M07、M08)的输出方式,
integer 7 = 1 ============== 定义冷却液关(M09)的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0:在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1:在下一段中单独输出;2、在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
(integer 10、integer 11、integer 12、integer 13):定义spindle output(主轴输出)
integer 10 = 2 ============== 定义主轴开(M03、M04)的输出方式,
integer 11 = 1 ============= 定义主轴关(M05)的输出方式,此变量共有二个选项——0:在遇到主轴关指令时不输出S;1:在遇到主轴关指令时输出S0。
integer 12 = 1 ============= 定义M代码的输出方式,此变量共有二个选项——0:在遇到主轴相关指令时不输出M;1:在遇到主轴相关指令时输出M。
tool reset coordinates = 2 =============== 定义刀具复位后(M06后)的坐标处理方式,有1、2、3、4四个选项,请注意这四个选项的刀具补偿的区别:
1、 2、