5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)

标题: APM重大升级版即将发布:ArduCopter 3.0-rc1来了 [打印本页]

作者: minghao    时间: 2013-5-4 01:20
标题: APM重大升级版即将发布:ArduCopter 3.0-rc1来了
ArduCopter 3.0-rc1 (release candidate #1) is now available in the new downloads area.  Alternatively you can download the zip from the github site here or finally click on the Mission Planner's Firmware screen and click the "Beta firmwares" link which will temporarily change the versions that are downloaded for each frame type.

ArduCopter 3.0.0-rc1 improvements over 2.9.1b:
1) Inertial navigation for X & Y axis (Randy/Leonard/Jonathan)
2) 3D waypoint navigation library (Leonard/Randy)
    WPNAV_SPEED, WPNAV_SPEED_UP, WPNAV_SPEED_DN control target speeds during missions and RTL
    WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR to allow disabling yaw during missions and RTL
3) PX4 support (some features still not available) (Tridge/Pat/PX4Dev Team)
4) Safety improvements:
    Tin-can shaped fence (set FENCE_ENABLED to 1 and copter will RTL if alt > 150m or horizontal distance from home > 300m) (Randy/Tridge/Leonard)
    GCS failsafe (set FS_GCS_ENABLED to 1 and if you are using a tablet to fly your copter it will RTL and return control to the radio 3 seconds after losing telemetry) (Randy)
    pre-arm checks to ensure accelerometer and radio calibration has been performed before arming (Randy)
5) motor interference compensation for compass (Jonathan/Randy)
6) Circle mode improvements:
    set CIRCLE_RADIUS to zero to do panorama shots in circle mode (copter does not move in a circle but instead slowly rotates)
    CIRCLE_RATE parameter allows controlling direction and speed of rotation in CIRCLE mode and LOITER_TURNS (can also be adjusted in flight from CH6 knob)
7) SONAR_GAIN parameter add to allow reducing the response to objects sensed by sonar (Randy)
8) support for trapezoidal quads (aka V shaped or FPV quads) (Leonard/Craig)
9) performance improvements to dataflash logging (Tridge)
10) bug-fix to analog read which could cause bad sonar reads when using voltage or current monitor (Tridge)
11) bug-fix to motors going to minimum when throttle is low while switching into Loiter, AUTO, RTL, ALT_HOLD (Jason/Randy)
12) bug-fix for auto disarm sometimes disarming shortly after arming (Jason/SirAlex)

There are already a number of known issues that have been added to the issues list:
    a) sometimes the copter jerks severely when first entering loiter, RTL or reaching a waypoint.
    b) spiraling around a waypoint normally caused by your compass heading not agreeing with true north
    c) too many nearly empty log files produced
    d) climb and descent speeds during RTL or missions can be very slow
    e) accelerometer calibration through mission planner can required multiple clicks of the button

A couple of warnings -- it's only release candidate #1 (there will be at least 1 more before the official release) so it's still a work in progress.  I won't be able to analyse every log posted because I also need to spend time on fixing up the known issues.  Still, all feedback both positive and negative (so we can get the issues resolved) would be greatly appreciated.

作者: minghao    时间: 2013-5-4 01:27



作者: 20166333    时间: 2013-5-4 01:29
等那个apm厂家做出来 观察一下看看

作者: minghao    时间: 2013-5-4 01:41

作者: tzems    时间: 2013-5-4 16:44

作者: 蛋蛋的大拿    时间: 2013-5-4 21:55

作者: 魔血之圣    时间: 2013-5-5 10:43
minghao 发表于 2013-5-4 01:27

我已试飞px4的2.9.2beta固件,手感很不错 ...

那我刚团了个2.5的板子 岂不是有些浪费啊

作者: minghao    时间: 2013-5-5 23:31
蛋蛋的大拿 发表于 2013-5-4 21:55


作者: garyliu6666    时间: 2013-5-24 22:15


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