作者: 缩水虎 时间: 2013-10-23 19:01
直线舵机就好了 作者: nope_ug 时间: 2013-10-23 22:24
更像一只飞虫了。。 作者: 宇浩轩杰 时间: 2013-10-23 23:29
尾巴不能变距啊 作者: neohack 时间: 2013-10-24 10:07
Alan Szabo Jr. flying the new Trex 150. Here is a test flight showing you the nimble ability of this micro helicopter. We were testing it out in the factory just to get a feel for indoor flight. But make no mistake this helicopter can be flown outdoors with it's full 3D capability. You can bind to Futaba FHSS and Spektrum DSM2 and DSMX. Contact your local dealer and ask them about the new Trex 150 from Align.
Alan Szabo Jr飞行全新的Trex 150.通过大师的飞行录像可以看出这款全新的飞机有着怎样的3D能力!虽然我们仅仅只是在工厂仓库飞行,但是毫无疑问的是这款飞机同样具备室外3D飞行的能力.这款飞机可以帮顶FUTABA的 FHSS和SPEKTRUM的DSM2和DSMX的系列遥控器来飞行.欲知更多Trex150的信息,请联系你所处位置的本地进销商.