tg520这飞机我没有,我也没见过,目前为止也就论坛里看了看图片和别人的帖子。所以这机怎么样我不知道。不过我知道一点,楼主这篇文,全是用翻译软件翻的,各种语法错误,各种语句不通。这是真的LOW! |
太帅了,普通人玩不起。 |
从楼主挂墙上那两台直升机就知道,楼主对直升机的爱好。 |
本帖最后由 Andika 于 2019-1-16 06:00 编辑 thank you very much liyu8988 if he is unhappy then he should move the production out of CHINA oh wait then Synergy kits would be much more expensive to manufacture. he does not want to let everyone know that they are both made by the same manufacturer (YINTECH) otherwise people will be purchasing the TG520 instead I don't care for him, Synergy is almost non existent in Europe and those kits have always been overpriced for no apparent reason. this is the crying baby ''I will be pursuing legal action against this company. This is a typical case of China ripping off someones hard work. I have found the owner of the company. Lets see where it goes from here. If I have to get on a plane to China and pay him a visit, I will!'' |
Andika 发表于 2019-1-16 02:49 Both are made by "Yintech" company. Just the dfferent versions |
lym0610 发表于 2019-1-9 10:29 what is the relationship between Synergy and TG520 maker do not reply in chinese please, the translator is far from being perfect. |
hopeman 发表于 2019-1-12 17:21
卢大爷 发表于 2019-1-12 20:09 应该让Matt在这个帖子回复说明一下,以正视听: https://www.helifreak.com/showthread.php?t=814697 |
当时MATT看日总的装机帖以为TG520这台飞机是其他公司做的。已和MATT取得联系,消除了误会,他说也很高兴看到Yintech有新的产品线。都是一家人。 |
tangqiang 发表于 2019-1-10 12:53 是啊,吊胃口都个把月了。淘宝连个影子都没有看到 |
卢大爷 发表于 2019-1-12 02:19 大爷, 人家说他的设计哦, 不是他的销售产品哦, 这到底谁是谁非啊? quote, Many parts on the TG520 are direct copies of my designs. There are many different parts but the majority are ripped off from my designs. I will be pursuing legal action against this company. Please do not buy clone helicopters. http://www.5imx.com/portal.php?mod=view&aid=2101 Thanks guys! Matt Botos |
看看卢大爷的评论,一下子豁然开朗!!! |
设计师也是为公司打工而已(他工作中搞的东西那就是公司的),有本事去告自己的公司啊,真把自己当老板了 |