你説這個又不=Airmode |
Air mode =油門最底都會電機都會轉動 |
落地之前的一刹那上锁即可。 开着Airmode,没上锁的时候,落地要非常非常轻,否则因为飞控强行补偿振动,会导致油门瞬间加大。 |
10来公分直接上锁就行了 |
降落不都是砸下来的吗,差不多了关油门,不就砸下来了。 |
小宋爱搞机 发表于 2019-1-28 14:31 如果不是手法问题的话,尝试调整下PID看看 |
小宋爱搞机 发表于 2019-1-28 14:07 Without Airmode, normally when you lower your throttle stick all the way down, the motors on a quadcopter should either stop or all spin at the same speed (depends on how you set it up). But when Airmode is enabled, it keeps PID loops active when your throttle stick is at zero, which allows the pilots to steer and control the quad even in a free fall. That enables pilots to pull off some crazy aerobatics, and have better control over the entire throttle range. 简而言之,就是让你在小油门操作的时候仍然能让PID参与控制,不会因为油门量太小导致电机转速过低甚至停转 |