The Perfect Paramotor?
1. What is the perfect Paramotor?
This is the question I have been not only asking myself but also many of my fellow pilot's, the answer it seems is there is no such thing, as it seems every pilots has his own preference's and idea's about what is and isn't a good idea, most of the good ideas are already in production - but, unfortunately, not on the same machine....Anyway below I have tried to put together a compilation of hopefully useful info; from my own idea's and experience's and also that of fellow pilots who have kindly sent me there idea's by email, many thanks to them, if anyone else would like to contribute an idea or a piece of useful info; about his or her ideal Paramotor please email it to me and I will try and include it into this page, that way we can build up a good idea of what we all would like to find as our ideal Paramotor.
The difficulty with specifying 'the perfect paramotor' is what is perfect to one isn't necessarily perfect to another. On balance, I'm grateful for that and happy that there are a variety of designs and ideas around. Would be boring if they were all the same, Courtesy Simon Ravine
Wet motor weight with all options.? That means electric starter, Gas, harness ready to fly. no more than 27 Kg. preferably less? it is very important to get it right before you buy most dealer's never quote this weight.
My AIRFER TORNADO was over 30 Kg wet, which I found to be too heavy, and I have worked in the construction industry for 30 years and am used to lifting heavy weights. Try to wear a weight lifters belt (about £12)when picking up heavy objects, otherwise you could find yourself paying expensive Osteopath fee's.
轉速比 ?
2. What kind of RPM?
Motors which have a high RPM ie;9500 wear out quicker & are noisy. i.e.; Radne, /Raket. Top 80/ Falcon.although they are getting quieter as exhaust and carb; muffler technology advance's are made. The Top 80 is quite quiet by paramotoring standards - certainly quieter than a Simonini, Cors-air or Solo, Even the new Rad machines - that have an after-muffler welded onto the main pipe and an intake silencer - are significantly quieter than the older machines. courtesy Simon Ravine
Approx; 7000 RPM should be max. i.e.; Solo/simonini/and Cors-air,engines
3. Static thrust? thrust is everything in my opinion, if less than (45Kg) & you weigh more than (82Kg.) it is not a good match. My naked weight is 95Kg (not a pretty sight) and 135Kg all up, and my Airfer Tornado with the 21hp Cors-air engine, a 99cm wooden prop; and 58 Kg of thrust was more than enough , and got me airborne within a couple of steps, and the climb out rate was very good. although I found the wet weight of the unit at over 30Kg,to heavy for me especially on hot days, so I sold it. on the other hand my first Solo based unit with 4 props; was under powered and I struggled to get of the ground, this got worse after the Nylon prop; conversion , even though I had put a larger cylinder head /performance exhaust and muffler box on it. I sold that as well.
引擎的馬力 ?
4. HP of the motor? It should be any where from 17hp to 26.hp Too much power creates too much torque. Too little power well, you can't get out of bad situation fast enough. plus your be doing more running than flying, A SOLO put's out only 14Kg where as the CORS-AIR puts out 21/22Kg.
5. Diameter of the prop? Too small a prop; will not give the thrust you need, since your body & harness is blocking most of the prop. So the prop should be more than 91.Cm Unless you are a very small person.
If the prop is too large i.e. 127Cm or more, then your prop guard is too big to clear the risers in forward launch. You have to be a very good pilot to use that big a motor. a friend of mine has a unit with a 130cm prop; and even though he is built like a giant he has struggled to master his take off's and has piled it in several time's, that unit has a standard Solo engine.14 hp and only 54 Kg of thrust, if he used the Airfer Tornado with a 99cm prop; and 21hp plus 58Kg of thrust not only would he have more power, but also find it much easier to handle. |