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June 1998 Roostertail
作者:John Finch
We talked about trim tabs in the first issue of the newsletter and then struts in the second issue. Now lets get into prop walk and add all three issues together for a smooth running Mono.
Prop Walk
Prop walk is the action that causes the model to veer to the right when at full speed. This is caused by the propeller dragging the transom to the left. The transom is dragged to the left because the prop, rotating in counter clockwise direction, tends to walk like a paddle wheel in that direction.
As a visual aid to understanding propwalk, visualize the propeller spinning counter clockwise as viewed from the rear of the boat. Draw a line from the left to right through the middle of the prop. The line divides the propeller into two halves; an upper half and a lower half. Blade movement on the upper half goes right to left. Prop blades on the lower half travel left to right. On a surface drive model the lower half of propeller rotation has a strong bite in solid water. The upper half, however, is partially above the water and has less bite in the water, so the prop paddle wheels to the left. With a subsurface setup, the strut blade can cause a stream of air bubbles to interfere with good prop bite in the upper half of rotation, which allows propwalk to run wild.
Compensating for Prop Walk
One way to compensate for prop walk is to bend the strut to the left, much like an outboard engine that is turned to the left to make the boat turn left. This method can cause other problems, though, so pay attention to detail. If your strut exits the boat dead center out of the transom, twisting the strut to the left will put the prop left of the centerline of the boat. The prop being to the left of the center of the boat may cause the boat to chine walks badly after the adjustment. Reason being, the prop lifts the left side of the boat more than the right side. With torque lifting the left side of the boat along with the prop being off center, the left side of the boat is lifted easily and can cause the boat to rock violently.
其中一個補償槳步行的方法是,把軸支架(STRUT/STINGER/俗稱老鼠尾)向左彎曲,正如掛舷外機的船把發動機調至向左,使船轉向左,雖然這樣,這個方法會引起另一個問題,所以需要注意細節。如果軸支架位於船的中心線,把軸支架彎曲向左,會把槳置於船中心線的左邊,調整後,槳位於船中線的左邊,可能使船CHINE WALK,即使槳位於船的中線,發動機的扭力都是提升船的左邊,與此同時,加上槳提升船的左邊多於右邊,船左邊很容易被提升,船會嚴重搖擺。
A Better Solution
The biggest cause of propwalk in a Mono is the strut blade. When water hits the strut blade, it is separated and runs on both sides of the strut blade. The problem is that it doesn't immediately blend back together after it passes the trailing edge of the strut blade. A trail of broken water leaves the strut blade but does not become a solid water mass for some distance. As I said earlier, the upper half of the prop rotation is located directly behind the strut blade and rides in the disturbed water flow.
The solution is to extend the strut hub far enough behind the strut blade so that water has time to join back together before entering the prop blades. I find that an inch is usually enough. This works with surface drive models too, because the new prop location far behind the transom of the boat puts the prop deeper into clean water. While the extended prop shaft length does allow more water to hit the top half of prop rotation, and the prop becomes more submerged, propwalk is reduced and increased speed is the result.
An advantage is also seen in the extended prop shaft as the prop, when further from the transom, tends to keep the bow positioned without the need for radical trim tab adjustment. As the bow rises, the prop gets deeper in the water and pushes the bow back down into the water. That is top secret info!!!!! If you get the distance just right, it takes less trim tab to keep a fast boat on the water. I have found that three to four inches work best for me, depending on the model. If you get the prop too far behind the transom you will know it, because the boat will hop, especially in the corners.
In an earlier issue I said that I prefer a strut angle that is parallel to the keel, and that is a good benchmark for most boats, If however, you have a surface drive model that is really hauling the freight, some negative angle and a long strut hub will give you the control you need to drive in the 55 MPH range with full control.
A combination of slight strut twist and an elongated strut hub used together will sometimes give the best mix in compensation for prop walk. If you plan on twisting the strut, build the stuffing tube so that it exits just to the right of the centerline at the transom, so that when you bend the strut to the left, the prop ends up dead center on the centerline of the boat.
Good luck in taming that wild beast we call a Mono!
一看便愛上本文,連看數晚,覺得很好,想聯繫原作者John Finch問准翻譯轉載沒成功,再問RumRunnerRacing.com負責人Don Wollard,請求把消息轉給John Finch,Don回覆說,John的文章是公開的,才開始翻轉載。曾經問5imx樓主,是否適合登在動力艇新手掃盲貼裡,沒得到回覆,相信是不適合,才發新貼,所以翻譯本文並非一帆風順。這文章與
可互補不足,RC BOAT HULL ATTITUDE有圖,也有助明白本文,兩文同看最有幫助。
原文1997年12月起刊登於IMPBA Roostertail期刊,作者John Finch是美國第一個打破時速60英里的運動員,John長期活躍於模型船界,曾經開辦工廠Twin Craft製造模型船殼,至發本貼為止,John都活躍於模型船界,本壇火熱下載的圖紙Wild Thing MONO,乃John Finch所設計供免費下載,著作有Basics of Radio Control Boat Modeling, Advanced R/C Boat Modeling
MAY 27 2009
Don Wollard RumRunnerRacing.com
I know this is long but worth the read. Don can always post this if he wants so it comes up or is a sticky or whatever.
This information was posted with permission from the author John Finch. This is a series of 3 articles that were published in the IMPBA Roosterail. Thank you for helping our hobby!
這些資訊經原作者John Finch授權轉載,那是刊登於IMPBA Roostertail期刊的,一系列共三編的文章,感謝對我們興趣的支持。