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單體船狂熱/MONO MANIA 1/3(船姿調整及硬件安裝,並非指電船)

发表于 2013-6-20 02:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 leo_home 于 2013-7-6 03:52 编辑


December 1997 Roostertail
作者:John Finch

As Mono Director, it is my job to foster the growth of the class. To accomplish this goal, I will be clarifying design criteria and even letting out some of the secrets that put the top drivers in the winner's circle. I can't do it all in one article, so stay tuned throughout the year in this section of the newsletter. As you know, if you have been reading your newsletters, the Rule Book section on Mono hull classifications has been cleaned up a bit in an attempt to better define a Mono hull. By definition, a Mono hull is a boat that has a continuous wetted surface while operating at racing speed. This means that it cannot have steps, sponsons, or any other appendage that keeps the model from having one continuous wetted surface. This includes the bottom profile when the boat banks to negotiate a turn. I know that the real boats have steps and wings, but IMPBA does not recognize these as legal features in the Mono class. There are modelers that feel threatened by these advancements, so these changes have yet to take place in IMPBA.

To be successful in the Mono class it helps to have an understanding of Mono hull design in it's purest state. By that I mean the understanding of weight, balance, aerodynamic and hydrodynamic drag, lifting area, planing area, and power to weight ratios. You see, a pure Mono is far more difficult to tune for all out potential than a three point Hydro. The key word is potential! When it comes to a beginner or intermediate level model the Mono is by far the easier to handle and trim than the Hydro. But again, that is because we have accepted the Mono as a heavy sluggish vehicle with no hope of going extremely fast.

On the other hand, as a modeler who has two Mono hulls that consistently run over 70 MPH, I know that we can do better. The problem with a 70 MPH Mono is that it wont finish a single heat in a race with five other models cranking up the wakes. So, it is a compromice of stability and speed that we must make as we put together a Mono hull that goes fast but still finishes races. In todays heat racing scene, a 50 MPH Mono is capable of winning races in all four engine classes. The fact is that most Mono hulls clocked at big events are only running 45 to 48 MPH. They look like they are going faster, but that is only because they are not trimmed properly. The boats that look slower, because they are trimmed properly, are the ones that are going faster and winning the races. So, the first subject to be covered in this series will be that of running hardware on the boat and how it affects the trimming of the model.


Deep Vee models are the best type of Mono for heat racing. They handle traffic and rough water conditions very well. Vee angles ranging from 19 degrees to 23 degrees seem to work best for heat racing. Shallow vee boats are faster on calm water and deeper vbee boats work best in rough water. If a model is designed well, it will work with almost any hardware setup. If a model is lacking in some areas, you can sometimes help the handling of the model by changing the hardware setup. Today I will cover trim tabs.


Trim tabs are those plates at the transom that are used to adjust the ride angle of the model. Usually, they are mounted on the transom about an inch up from the keel to as far out as to the chine line of the model. The chine line is the corner where the bottom of the hull meets the side of the hull. The chine line extends from the transom (back of boat) to the bow (front of boat). The tabs are usually split into two adjustable plates on each side of the hull which makes two separate adjustable tabs on each side of the model.


The innermost tabs are adjusted up and down to direct the bow of the boat either up or down. Adjusting the tabs downward will push the bow of the boat down as water leaving the trailing edge of the tabs causes lift at the transom, thus pushing down the bow. Raising the trailing edge of the tabs will reduce the lift at the transom and allow the bow to run lighter on the water. If the boat leans to the right because of engine torque, which it most probably will, the right or starboard tab is adjusted downward at the inside trailing edge, (edge closest to the prop), to shoot water downward off the right hand tab, which in turn will lifts the right side of the model. Keep in mind that lowering the right tab will not only lift the right side of the model, but also cause the bow to be pushed down as well. If the boat is leaning to the right and also running very wet, it would be better to raise the left inside tab (tab closest to the prop on the left side of the boat). So, you are adjusting two things when you adjust the inside tabs: the hull attitude bow to stern and the ride left to right. Most hulls that are set up properly for heat racing are adjusted with the left tab slightly down and the right tab about 1/16 of an inch deeper than the left tab.


The outer tabs, close to the chine line, are used primarily for adjusting the ride thru the comers. The right outermost tab adjusts the ride for right hand turns and the left outermost tab adjusts left hand turns. If they are flat with the hull, the boat will turn a predetermined radius. If they are pushed downward, the model will turn a tighter corner 'because the water shooting off the tab lifts that corner of the hull at the transom, which in turn causes the keel at the bow to be forced into the water with more authority. You see, a Mono slides as it turns, and if the bow digs in, the boat turns sharper. If you raise the outside tab, the boat will become less sensitive in the corners as the bow rides lighter on the water and slides through the turn. Most models I have worked with are too sensitive in the corners, so the outside tabs have to be raised considerably to get good linear turns out of the model. Some boats work better without an outside tab, and some models, like the Seaducer, don't use tabs at all. The Seaducer type hull does not bank hard to negotiate a turn, so the tab scenario described does not apply to it or any other Mono that stands up in the corners.


参与人数 2威望 +4 收起 理由
zq59702115 + 2 赞一个!
xutong + 2 很给力!



 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-20 02:18 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 leo_home 于 2013-6-21 00:18 编辑

Now you have the knowledge it takes to trim tabs to your advantage. There are other things that can be done to trim your Mono too, so stay tuned for the next issue of MONO MANIA. Because there's no such thing as a boat that's TOO fast!


一看便愛上本文,連看數晚,覺得很好,想聯繫原作者John Finch問准翻譯轉載沒成功,再問RumRunnerRacing.com負責人Don Wollard,請求把消息轉給John Finch,Don回覆說,John的文章是公開的,才開始翻轉載。曾經問5imx樓主,是否適合登在動力艇新手掃盲貼裡,沒得到回覆,相信是不適合,才發新貼,所以翻譯本文並非一帆風順。這文章與


可互補不足,RC BOAT HULL ATTITUDE有圖,也有助明白本文,兩文同看最有幫助。

原文1997年12月起刊登於IMPBA Roostertail期刊,作者John Finch是美國第一個打破時速60英里的運動員,John長期活躍於模型船界,曾經開辦工廠Twin Craft製造模型船殼,至發本貼為止,John都活躍於模型船界,本壇火熱下載的圖紙Wild Thing MONO,乃John Finch所設計供免費下載,著作有Basics of Radio Control Boat Modeling, Advanced R/C Boat Modeling


MAY 27 2009
Don Wollard RumRunnerRacing.com

I know this is long but worth the read. Don can always post this if he wants so it comes up or is a sticky or whatever.

This information was posted with permission from the author John Finch. This is a series of 3 articles that were published in the IMPBA Roosterail. Thank you for helping our hobby!

這些資訊經原作者John Finch授權轉載,那是刊登於IMPBA Roostertail期刊的,一系列共三編的文章,感謝對我們興趣的支持。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-20 02:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-6-20 15:45 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-6-21 00:27 | 只看该作者
陳國儀 发表于 2013-6-20 15:45
这个年代的理论我已经文歷过了,应对所有世界和国 ...


发表于 2013-8-1 20:40 | 只看该作者
leo_home 发表于 2013-6-20 02:18
Now you have the knowledge it takes to trim tabs to your advantage. There are other things that can  ...

別迷戀John Finch的東西!

发表于 2013-8-1 20:43 | 只看该作者
leo_home 发表于 2013-6-20 02:18
Now you have the knowledge it takes to trim tabs to your advantage. There are other things that can  ...

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-2 11:16 | 只看该作者
MOGOOSE 发表于 2013-8-1 20:43

发表于 2018-3-19 10:20 | 只看该作者
MOGOOSE 发表于 2013-8-1 20:40
別迷戀John Finch的東西!

问题是对新手没有类似的经验可以借鉴了,而John Finch提出了他的观点,这点是值得学习的。

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