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发表于 2008-3-21 22:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Exploding stuff 2005
发生爆炸的东西 , 2005年
Exploding stuff is simple and fun.  Just put the conductive stuff to be exploded across the capacitor output and it will vaporize (unless it's a hot dog).
爆炸的东西比较简单和好玩。刚才把导电的东西要爆炸,整个电容器的产量,而且会汽化(除非这是一个热狗) 。
(click to enlarge, 2 MB file)
(点击放大, 2 MB的文件)
Left photo shows a small skein of steel wool (used as an abrasive cleaner) placed across the electrodes and fired at 2 kJ.   The high resolution photo is nearly 2 MB but has lots of fine detail of the shower of sparks and is a nice desktop photo.  The right photo shows the setup.
左图示一小绞纱钢羊毛(用来作为磨料清洁)置于整个电极和发射了2千焦。高分辨率照片,是近2 MB的,但有很多细节的淋浴的火花,是一个不错的桌面照片。 有权图示设置。

(click to enlarge, 1.3 MB files)
(点击放大图片, 130 MB的文件)
A series of 3 kJ shots with steel wool with me in the picture.
I have a cap and earmuffs as safety gear but the sparkles are harmless and just tend to bounce off skin, just like angle grinder sparks.  My son suggested the central front on shot to give a Terminator like look.
(click to enlarge)


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:36 | 只看该作者
左边的照片显示, 4英寸带铝箔放在整个电极和发射了2千焦以类似方式向上述照片是一个whiteout由于巨大的闪光和爆炸的权利,照片显示拍摄时间不当,与燃烧铝碎片漂浮下来后,一枪。
You can still see the remnants of the smoke from the shot.
(click to enlarge)
The left photo above shows a hot dog across the terminals . The centre photo shows the flash at 3 kJ. The right photo shows the result.  There was no charring, explosions or even any marks.
左边的照片上面显示热狗整个终端机, 该中心图示的Flash下午3千焦。 有权图示结果,因此并不存在炭化,爆炸或什至任何痕迹。
(point to run video, 900k)
(点运行视频, 900k )
This is the very disappointing video of a hot dog across the electrodes at 3 kJ.
The bang was certainly there (listen for the echo like a rifle shot) and the cap was completely discharged.
(click to enlarge)
The left photo above shows a CD with ends ground down to the metal film across the terminals . The centre photo shows the flash at 1 kJ.
左边的照片上面显示了一张光盘,内结束地面回落到金属膜全国各地终端机, 该中心图示的Flash在1千焦。
It is very intense for the power as it is in part due to aluminium ignition and I may use this for IPL (intense pulsed light) experiments. The right photo shows the result with obliteration of most of the CD metallic film without charring.
这是非常激烈的权力,因为这在某种程度上是由于铝点火,我可以利用这个为彩光(强脉冲光)实验。 有权图示结果与擦掉大部分的镉金属膜无炭化。
The film is actually on the label side with only a thin film over it plus the label ink.
These have been blown off together.
Exploding wires 2006
爆丝 2006年

(click to enlarge to 220K size)                    (click to enlarge to 2.7M size)
(点击放大至220,000大小) (点击放大至2.7米大小)
This shows exploding wire at 2000 J of which only about 500J is used.  The wire is 30 gauge and is about 3 m long.

(click to enlarge)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:38 | 只看该作者
更多爆炸丝。 左边的照片上面显示26克电爆炸3千焦。红色标志是红热铜丝片段, 该中心图示详细的爆炸丝。 有权图示结果与20克丝。

(click to enlarge)
The left photo above looks just like the game Total Annihilation with the Arm machines vs the Core machines burning each other up.  It actually is an exploding wire run through an inductor.
The inductor is a 3 kV winding of a 10 kW transformer.
Wire is 35 G and power is 2.5 kJ at 5.5 kV.   Look at the right "machine" which is just a 100 kv mobile x-ray supply which is also supporting the unrelated transformer.
电线是35 g和功率为2.5千焦的5.5千伏你看,在适当的"机器" ,只是一个100千伏的流动X光供应,也就是支持无关的变压器。
The flash seems to envelop the transformer.
I wonder if this is due to the magnetic fields as it is not present on a shot without the inductor but arising from the same spot. The centre photo shows a different view of the same flash enveloping the transformer. The right photo shows  the transformer close up with the epoxy encased secondary.
我不知道这是由于磁场的,因为这是不在场,就开枪无电感器,但所产生的同一地点, 该中心照片显示,有不同的看法的同时闪光包绕变压器。 有权图示变压器关闭与环氧包覆次要的。
(click to enlarge)
Above photo shows the 2.5 kJ shot using the same 35 G wire but without he inductor.
The flash and bang is much greater.
(click to enlarge 2.6M file)
Above photo shows an exploding iron wire with the return path being an aluminium tube.
Looks good in high resolution.
Another wire exploding site from Bob LaPointe .
Exploding Easter Bunny 2007
爆炸复活节兔兔 2007年
If you are sqeamish, look away now.  The Easter bunny meets 50,000 A might be a suitable title.
如果你是sqeamish ,看看现在距离。复活节兔兔会见50000一可能是一个合适的标题。
Here the cap bank is charged to 5.8kV (3.5 kJ).  A little steel wool on each end to sparkle up the display and away we go.
这里的上限是银行收取5.8kv ( 3.5千焦) 。少许钢羊毛每次结束旌宇了展示和远离我们路要走。
(click to enlarge)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:39 | 只看该作者
The explosion photo is taken just after sunset with a 2.5 second exposure to allow me time to pull the switch and for reasonable spark length.
I had to back of the f stop to 13 to reduce total light pickup.
Note that 3500 joules is barely enough to melt 100g of chocolate or heat water for a cup of coffee.
It is just one 2000 watt electrical kettle for 2 seconds after all.
This power is underwhelming when delivered slowly.
But deliver it in 30us and the instantaneous power rises to 116 megawatts.
Think of a power station output for that time.
In that timeframe things happen fast and furious.
Local heating doesn't have time to escape and things vaporize, magnetic fields due to the huge currents are intense and rapidly changing.
These fields can tear a drink can in two, shrink a metal coin or tear a copper coil into high velocity pieces.
Currents are limited by the characteristics of the inductance of the capacitors (small) and copper bus bars (larger) but are typically up to perhaps 50kA for my setup.
电流受到限制的特点,电感的电容器(小)和铜母线(较大) ,但通常都高达也许50ka为我的格局。
It should still be within ratings at 200kA as I have only ever run it at 1/4 capacity.
应仍在内部评级200ka正如我刚才只是以往而言,它在1 / 4的能力。

(Wait till Christmas - watch out Santa .......)
(等到圣诞节-警惕圣诞老人. ......)
Coin shrinking 2005
钱币萎缩, 2005年
This is to be an account of my attempts to shrink a coin using my small 1.5 kJ capacitor bank in the same way a can is shrunk around the middle.  I am not sure if I can or not.  The power is certainly much lower than is conventionally used by the pro's such as Bert Hickman who use 100 kA from Maxwell pulse caps with up to 6 kJ and the best coins.
这将是一个交代,我试图缩小硬币用我的小1.5千焦电容银行在同一方式可以是缩水中左右,我不知道如果我能或不能的。电力是肯定远低于是常规用亲的,如hickman Spinks的人使用100家,从麦克斯韦脉冲瓶盖多达6千焦及最佳硬币。

Things I have learnt or surmise.
The greatest field is right adjacent to the coil.
Minimise it and don't allow the coil to move away.
The force shrinking the coil is the same one acting to push the coil away.  Think of a hammer blow as a fair analogy of the forces involved.
Use the most conductive coin with softest metal.
A gold doubloon perhaps?
I may have to use a small coin.
I know bigger is better..
There need to be adequate insulation as there is 5 kV across the coil.  It will very readily short out.

Version 1.  To start I have used a tiny Malaysian 1 sen copper coloured coin .  This choice was for availability, size and apparent copper alloy composition.  I started with 8 turns of single stranded PVC insulated wire that was too thin.
I covered the taped up coil with a towel and fired.
The wire exploded into small pieces and most of it went through the towel.  There was no copper left near the coil.
When the smoke cleared the coin was unchanged.  Unfortunately I didn't save the current waveform but it was around 10 kA and more heavily damped then the can crushing coil.  In fact it was probably truncated as the coil disintegrated.
Version 2 was heavier with a wood block for support.
Still no coin shrinkage.  I was subsequently informed that this particular coin is magnetic and indeed it is.  Possibly with nickel content and generally higher resistance.  The magnetism gives an effect opposite to the induced current and resists the effect of coin shrinking.

(click to enlarge)
Left photo shows the pieces that I could find of the first coil.  The second coil, ( centre photo ) used heavier wire and a wooden surround and it still blew the wood apart and broke the wire in one part ( right photo ).
左图示件,我能找到的第一个线圈第二线圈, ( 中心照片 )用较重的钢丝和木环绕,它仍是炒作木材除了打破导线在其中一部分( 右照片 ) 。
(click to enlarge)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:40 | 只看该作者
这是示波器开枪,其中显示当前读的是不同的,可以粉碎之一,目前规模是4250年的A /理学系和时基20美/理学系。
Peak current around 13 kA.
The surprising thing is that the first current reversal is GREATER than the initial pulse.
This seems most likely due to inductance (L) reduction by a degree of interturn shorting.  Note that the magnetic forces act to compress axially (lengthways) and expand radially (outwards).  The consequences of this are that this should NOT recur if I prevent interturn shorting or movement.
这似乎是最可能的原因是电感( 1 )减少某种程度的股间短路。注意到,该磁部队法,以压缩轴向(纵向) ,并扩大呈辐射状(向外) 。后果,这是由于这不应该再发生,如果我阻止间短路或运动。

Version 3 used an aluminium disc in lieu of a coin.  I setup the whole 5 turn coil and coin in a block of ice (made from relatively non- conductive deionised water).
第3版系统采用了铝制圆盘代替硬币,我的设置,整个五转线圈和钱币在一大块冰(从相对非导电去离子水) 。
(click to enlarge)
The block of ice was shattered into small pieces but the coil was still enlarged and burnt out.  The "coin" was shrunk by perhaps 0.5 mm with the blue circle being the tracing before and the red after.  So no real success yet.  I am told that a Japanese 1 yen coin is suitable for crushing being light and aluminium.
该座的冰山破碎成小块,但线圈仍在扩大,并烧毁了。 "钱币"缩水也许0.5毫米与蓝圈正在追查前和红色后,所以并没有取得真正的成功,但我告诉日本有一个1日元纪念币既然是适合破碎被轻和铝。
See the discussion of my coinshrinking on the 4HV forum .

(click to enlarge)
Left photo is of the fibreglass and cloth and 4 inch PVC reinforced ice block housing the coil with inter-turn insulation above.
It is shown after firing ( centre photo ) with a few ice shards that have cracked off in the shockwave. Right photo shows the current/time trace discussed below.
这表明经过射击( 中心照片 )与数冰shards已破获起飞冲击波。 右图示电流/时间追查下文讨论。
Incidentally I forgot and used plain tap water rather than deionised water (we use rainwater here for water supply).
顺便提一句我忘了,用普通的自来水,而不是去离子水(我们使用雨水这里的供水) 。
Unlikely to have made a difference.
Well the last 10 turn coil was fired in its block of ice.
No exploding shards of ice just the bang of the spark gap.
The ice developed cracks through it.
After the shot I melted all the ice (similar to 'a watched kettle never boils') to get down to the coil.
后开枪i融化所有冰(类似'看着釜从未归结为' ) ,以脚踏实地线圈。
Unlike the previous attempts, there was no damage at all to the coil, no expansion and no inter-turn shorting.
Almost like it didn't fire (apart from the cracks in the ice)

Unfortunately there was no shrinkage of my aluminium disc either.  This is not a 'coin shrinker' yet.
不幸的是这并没有萎缩,我的铝制圆盘无论这是不是'硬币shrinker ' 。
Sadly, I now have to take apart the coil that took so much time to make so I can recover the disc.

So, success in maintaining the integrity of the coil but not in shrinking the coin.

So why didn't it work?  The clue may be in the current time curve above.
Current scale is 4250 A/div and timebase 20 us/div as before.
现行比额表是4250 /理学系和时基20简介/广告如故。
Peak current is only 2.5 kA for the 10 turns.
Which is much less than the 13 kA for 5 turns.
这是远低于13家, 5转。
The ringing is more prolonged and slower suggesting that energy is not being extracted well from the resonant circuit.  I suppose this means a higher Q.

This suggests to me a couple of possibilities:
1  the longer coil of 10 thick turns is not as effective as the 5 thinner ones in concentrating the field near the coin.
一时间越长,线圈的10个厚厚的转折,是不是一样有效, 5天拿的,在集中场附近的金银纪念币。
The higher Q suggests this.
2  that interturn shorting is increasing the peak current and hence effectiveness of the coin crushing.
This means that simply winding magnet wire and expecting it to all explode and have some interturn shorting is important in getting the peak currents, greater than if the coil remained intact and well insulated and not expanded.  Paradoxically I perhaps should have been encouraging my wire to short between turns rather than going to lengths to prevent it.
Coin shrinking results 2006
钱币萎缩, 2006年结果
Normal coinshrinkers use a coil and some dowel but no external support.
I wanted more of the force to be directed to the coin and to keep the work coil in proximity longer
The work coil was still left over from last years experiments and is 10 turns of 2mm wire.
The key is that it was interwoven with fiberglass cloth as the axial forces will slam the coil turns together and short them out.
Plastic would get squashed but I was hoping the fiberglass might do better.
The whole thing was then wrapped in cloth from some garish print dress (not mine).
整个事情,然后裹在布从一些garish打印着装(不雷) 。
It was then placed in a PVC end cap and short pipe, filled with water and frozen.
That in turn went in another layer of end cap and pipe with the gap filled with water and frozen.
The hope was that the cloth would add strength to the ice like glass fiber does to epoxy to give fiberglass.
I was all enclosed in a wooden box.
I hid behind a blast shield and also had the setup monitoring current on the CRO with a Rogowski coil.  So here are the setup photos and the damage done following a 5 kJ discharge.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:42 | 只看该作者
(click to enlarge)
The left photo shows the ice was shattered as were all the PVC components and a panel was broken off the box.
It wasn't that loud using hearing protection and much less than an exploding wire.  The right photo shows the wire fragments.
它不是因为它是大声用听力保护和远少于一个爆炸丝。 有权图示导线的碎片。
Interesting how one part of the coil is almost unscathed apart from doubling its diameter where the other half is fractured, compressed and in pieces.
(click to enlarge)
The left photo shows the coin shrunk to 50% of the former diameter of 20 mm.  It is now 10 mm x 14 mm.  The coin was a little unsupported on one side so I expected a bit of a lopsided result.
左边的照片显示,金银纪念币的成交缩小为50 %的原直径20毫米,这是现年10毫米× 14毫米。银币是有点无依无靠的一方,所以我预期有点片面的结果。
It is interesting trying to see the corresponding detail of the Japanese characters.  The right photo shows the number 1 which looks like it is fracturing out.
这是个有趣的尝试中看到相应的详细的日语汉字。 有权图示人数1看起来是压裂。
(click to enlarge)

The left photo shows the current reading from the Rogowski coil which indicates a heavily damped waveform with a peak of 'only' about 50 kA.
左边的照片显示当前读,从Rogowski线圈这表明重阻尼波形的高峰期' ,只有'约50家。
(50 kA/div, 50 us/div) I had expected more.
( 50家/部, 50个美国/学) ,我原先预期更多。
There are no discontinuities to fit with the wire disintegrating.  The right photo of a test run at only a few joules prior to the main shot (?2 A/div, 50 us) shows the waveform of the same combo but with much more prolonged ringing.  Iwould seem that at full power the energy is being dissipated much faster although it difficult to be sure since the amplitude on screen is so much different.
有没有不连续性,以适应与丝崩解。 权的照片试运行时,只有少数焦耳前主要拍摄( ? 2 /部, 50个美)显示波形的同一组合,但更长时间响铃。 iwould看来,在全功率能量正在消退要快得多,虽然它是很难确保自振幅在银幕上是如此不同。
Magneforming Jan 2006.
magneforming 2006年1月。
This uses pulses in a flat coil similar to can crushing.
You can force the aluminium sheet upwards to slam into another object to create an impression.  If the other object is magnetic, it will be attracted to the coil which is the opposite direction the aluminium sheet is going, giving greater impact.
(click to enlarge)
This is the result of a 4 kJ shot with a mini wrench above the aluminium, which leaves a sharp impression except in the centre where the work coil does not cover.  The level of detail can be seen in the reversed "China" label.
这是由于4千焦拍摄一场小型扳手高于铝,其中留下了鲜明的印象,除了在中心工作的线圈并不涵盖。详细程度,可以看出,在扭转, "中国"的帽子。
(click to enlarge)
The left photo above shows the rewound work coil 7 1/2 turns with much less dead space in the centre.
左边的照片上面显示的工作,回线圈7 1 / 2轮流那么死腔,在该中心。
Next to it is the 50 cent coin covered by a large magnetic washer to provide down force against the up force of the aluminium. The middle photo shows the setup lashed together. The right photo shows the latest coin shot at 2 kJ.
旁边是50美分硬币所涵盖的一个大磁场洗衣机提供下来武力侵犯了部队的铝。 中间图示设置抨击在一起。 有权图示最新钱币枪杀于2千焦。
An Australian 50 cent coin is neatly cut off and imprinted in reverse.
And now for some body part magneforming.
现在有些身体部分magneforming 。

(click to enlarge)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:44 | 只看该作者
左边的照片显示, 上述设置一个更大的平面线圈制成的litz线从厨房台式电磁炉。 中间图示设置与一个绝缘板,然后有些铜箔,然后我的手。 有权图示结果在1.75kj ( 4kv ) 。
The foil at this stage is starting to tear.
It also is becoming hot enough to discolor with oxidation which can be seen on the full size pic.
To counter this I had been wetting my hand and the areas of good contact did not heat to the point of oxidation, nevertheless, it was hot and I had very superficial epidermal scorching on a couple of fingers which was just visible.
Nothing to see now in the cause of science though but this is probably the limit unless there is a thermal barrier such as a glove.
The pulse sensation is like a soft slap.
It is only foil after all.

Please note that this is an experiment that I graded up from very low energy levels to sort out what happens to keep safe.
I am, at the moment, typing comfortably with both hands....
Ball lightning 2006
球闪电 2006年
Ball lightning is the collective name given to a luminous ball that has been observed often in association with natural lightning.
It has been described in or outdoors or in planes.
This a phenomena that has been described by perhaps 10,000 people worldwide with many and varied descriptions but it has never been adequately reproduced in the lab so has always met with some scientific skepticism.
There is a nice review here of the current state of understanding and theories.
My inspiration came from watching detailed videos of a smoke ring in action demonstrating stable movement, small size and the ability to contain particles within the structure.
I figured that this would be a good candidate for a ball lightning carrier.
It can be easily generated by a pressure wave in a round structure so could develop in many man made areas.
My second "eureka" moment was the realisation that iron particles have a long and stable life once ignited.
Witness the long constant intensity glow from molten globules in [url=]exploding wire[/url] or steel wool experiments.
Potentially, combine the two and you could have a reasonable facsimile of ball lightning (BL).
潜在的,二者结合起来,就可以有一个合理的传真机球闪电(条) 。
To investigate this I needed a smoke ring generator aka vortex generator able to run from a high voltage discharge to simulate lightning.
(click to enlarge)
The left photo shows the steel ignition chamber open.
The right photo shows the top section with the aperture of perhaps half the diameter which forms the vortex.
machined hole I have a discharge chamber with a hole in the top.
Current from my [url=]cap bank[/url] at 4.5kV for 2kJ comes in from a heavily supported lead.
目前从我的[url=]上限银行[/url] 4.5kv为2kj进来,从大量支持。
I have in the shot below used some aluminium foil and some steel wool which will initiate the discharge.
(click to enlarge)
This shows the best result to date.
It shows the big tongue of plasma shooting out with the vortex moving slower but still 25ft/sec (3 frames in 3 feet) and is just over 1 foot in diameter.
这表明了大舌血浆拍摄出与涡移动缓慢,但仍25ft/sec ( 3张,在3英尺) ,是刚刚超过一英尺,直径。
The vortex is the grey ball of smoke shown by the arrow and moving upwards.  It is smoke only and is not luminous.
It does not appear to contain any of the iron particles.
Video shows a shot without the flash and shows the vortex shooting up.
One favoured theory is indeed vortices formed after lightning strikes into sand forming silica/silicon as the luminous substance.
I have demonstrated the vortex formed from an electrical discharge.  So a vortex induced by an electrical discharge is a candidate for the carrier of ball lightning.  Another group in Brazil here melted a silicon wafer in an arc welder and got glowing balls that bounced around for up to 8 seconds.
Bill Beaty pointed out this YouTube video that shows the balls bouncing around.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:44 | 只看该作者
(click to enlarge)
I put a gram of silicon powder and fired it with aluminium foil at 2kJ.
我把克硅粉和发射,它与铝箔在2kj 。
Just a big flash.
I was just about to discard the photo when I saw the green ball.
This is for real and the photo shows it clearly.
I have not retouched it other than to put in the markers and reduce the size.
It is of course a lens flare and on the image on the original is 1452 pixels in and 514 down.
这当然是镜头眩光和对图像进行对原,是第1452像素和514 。
The flash would be arising from 1452 pixels from the other side and about 500 pixels up - in other words diametrically opposed and confirming the flare.
It was too small to be a vortex anyway and wasn't moving on the 1 second exposure.
There are other lens flares pointing down which are yellow and the other is blue.
Funny I haven't seen these much in photos before.
Perhaps because I wasn't looking for them or because the camera was centered on the arc.

Perhaps I need to pull apart another SCR and try the arc welding approach.

I subsequently realized that this pic was not from the silicon shot but from an aluminium and ethanol shot.
The silicon was similar but the lens flare was still present in a different area and less visible due to the different camera position.
发表于 2008-3-21 22:52 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-21 22:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-3-21 23:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-3-22 00:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-3-22 09:03 | 只看该作者

发表于 2008-3-22 11:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-3-22 13:21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-3-22 14:40 | 只看该作者
不马虎不做对焊机了:em22: ,我准备用电焊机改了:em15:
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-22 15:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-22 15:30 | 只看该作者
原帖由 春天的豆豆 于 2008-3-22 13:21 发表

发表于 2008-3-22 16:44 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-22 19:57 | 只看该作者
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