性能如下:For Battery types:Lithium Polymer (1s to 8s balanced, 1s to 2s unbalanced), Lithium Ion (1s to 8s balanced, 1s to 2s unbalanced), Lithium Manganese (1s to 8s balanced, 1s to 2s unbalanced), A123 (LiFePO4) (1s to 8s balanced, 1s to 9s unbalanced), NiCd (1s to 21s), NiMH (1s to 21s), 6v, 12v, 24v Lead Acid batteries (Flooded, Gel, AGM, SLA)
Pack capacity:20 mAh to 360Ah
Input voltage:10-32VDC, reverse polarity protected
Input current:1A to 50A, software limited
Power conversion:Synchronous DC/DC converter, supports multiple switcher frequencies of 31.25 kHz, 62.5 kHz, 125 kHz; user selectable by preset, 85% to 93% efficiency depending on output current
Output battery charge current:Adjustable range 10mA to 30A, limited by 50A input current*
Output battery discharge current:Internal discharge 10mA to 10A, 100W max Regenerative discharge 10mA to 30A, 1000W max**
Continuous max output power:516W @ +12VDC input, 1008W @ +24VDC
Cell balancing:Resolution 78uV (16 bit) for 1s-8s Li or A123 (LiFePO4) balanced charging
Voltage calibration:Cell voltage measurements are factory calibrated to a standard traceable to NIST; calibration is to +/- 6 mV
Current calibration:Charge current is factory calibrated on a 4A standard; calibration is to +/- 1mA
Measurement accuracy:
Voltage resolution:78uV (16 bit)
Voltage tolerance:+/- 6mV
Charge current:+/- 1%
Capacity added to pack:+/- 1%
Percent capacity (“Fuel”):+/- 5% (with accurate fuel table defined for battery being charged)
Serial data output:19.2kbps, 8 bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity
Data integrity:Checksum, CRC checking
Cooling fans:Twin, 13 CFM, 50mm diameter
Heat sink:Internal 200W aluminum, thin finned
Output battery connector:“Cellpro” compatible, JST PA series, 9 position
LCD:2 line, 16 character, light grey/blue backlit
Footnotes:*Please note, for safety reasons, available charger current may be limited for certain battery types and/or charging modes, e.g., non-balanced charge of Li
**Please check bullet number 8 in the section titled “Major Features” below for a detailed description of Regenerative Discharge
如果高倍率充电的电池(如5c以上)面世,各位手上现有的充电器就会捉襟见肘了,但是淘宝上的定价也很可观,要两千多大元,不知值不值。 |