原帖由 liu_tianyi 于 2011-6-22 00:45 发表
话说奥地利的东西便宜是指实体店还是网上?我只会英语和意大利语。。德语一窍不通。。- -#。之前我哥们也推荐我入LOGO新出的450.。但是对于新手来说太奢侈了点吧。。所以我之前考虑的是买飞越的空机,然后带上 ...
Of course by the online shops:em15:
Logo 400se is the 500 class Heli not the 450.
if you want to get the parts of the tarot.
try to contact this Guy QQ:48077660
He is also Chinese in Germany. got so much help from him.:em26: :em26: |