本帖最后由 shaker 于 2017-5-15 22:14 编辑
The other day while reading the "Devo 7e Hardware Connections" to the part of the Button Matrix, to my amazement I found two unused buttons left over in the originl design.
Since the 7e is coming short of switches (that limits 7e to being a plain 6 Channels Tx, or even worse a 4 Channels Tx only if both the existing switches are assigned as "Hold" , "FMOD", "D/R"), I think it would be nice if we can make use of the two left over button matrix.
After some discussion with PB and with his kind help (he always is, isn't he?) and a bit of very easy hardware mod, the upgrade work is done and now we have a plain 8 Channel 7e Tx.
The mod goes on like this:
1. Open the Tx case, take out the four screws that hold the main PCB
2. Flip the PCB over and we can see the buttons and the wire connectors. Carefully identify the spots as shown in the photo and solder three wires perferably of different colors say Red, Yellow and Orange.
3. The schematic diagram :
4. On the Tx front cover, drill out two holes to the size of the switches you are going to use and put the switches on. Left is "Elevator D/R" and right is "Aileron D/R).
5. Connect the other end of the Red wires (you have to make a parallel connection) to the middle (toung) of both switches.
6. Solder a diode to the top contact of both switches. Pay attention to the direction of the diodes. Different doide types have different appearance. The one I am using is a low voltage rectifier 1N4001 but whatever diode type should also works. The point is to make sure current is flowing from the Yelow/Orange to the Red wire.
That's all for the hardware mod. Of course you have to upgrade to the latest fw in order for the switches to work. The one I am using now is:
Thanks again to PB's patience and hardwork to make it a reality...