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Spirit陀螺仪调整指导 - 翻译

发表于 2022-1-13 22:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 dtx66 于 2022-1-13 22:57 编辑

Spirit TuningGuide


ℹThis guide should help you withtuning your helicopter to obtain optimal flight characteristic. The tuningguide expect the Advanced parameters are set to default.

First from all, you should try a default settings that are recommended.There are basic parameters that you have to set at the beginning (for examplein the Setup wizard) but other are useful to adjust feeling and flight characteristics.Basically, you can set the behavior so that it is very similar to any knownflybarless or flybared system.
If you are in condition that the helicopter is flying, but you need to dosome corrections, you should start with the rudder settings first.
如果你的飞机已经基本调整完毕(译者:舵机中立点,舵机方向,集体螺距,循环螺距等基本设置已经设定好),且能够正常飞行(译者:这里指的正常应该是能飞了,但没有调整到位,所以本文叫Tuning guide而不是Setting guide)那么现在要从尾舵开始

1 尾舵调整
Prerequisite step - Youcan verify that the rudder servo limits are not too low or either not too high.
❗先决条件步骤 – 先确认尾舵机行程限制(rudder servolimits “end-points”)不太低也不太高
If the value is less than 70, then it is too low. That mean that servoprecision vs mechanical gain is not good. You can fix the issue with puttingball link on the rudder servo arm closer to the center so that limit can behigher. In case the value is more than 170 there is mostly too high servoprecision vs mechanical gain. You should put longer servo arm, so the balllinkage can be further. Be sure you have configured limits so that tail slideris moving from end to end, but without any mechanical binding (servo buzzing).In case your tail mechanics allows a pitch higher than 45°, do not set limitsthat high. It is not absolutely necessary that limits for both sides are equal.
如果该值小于 70,那么它太低了。这意味着伺服精度与机械增益的关系并不好。(译者:相当于舵机只动了一点点就达到两侧的行程了,那么说明机械安装有问题,没有充分利用舵机行程)您可以通过将球头放在靠近舵机臂中心的方向上来解决问题,这样数值就可以调整到更高(相当于缩短舵机臂)。如果该值超过170,则伺服精度与机械增益相比过高,你应该换用更长的舵机臂,这样球头可以有更多的行程。确保您已配置了尾舵行程限制,尾桨滑块可以从一端移动到另一端,且没有任何干涉,舵机不会在两头出现憋舵机的嗡嗡声。如果您的尾桨可以将螺距调整到高于45°,请不要设置那么高的限制(译者:本人飞过的飞机不多,但是感觉一般不会出现这种情况)。同时也不需要追求两侧的行程设置值(servo limits)完全相等。
Tuning Procedure:
1. Set Sensor/Rotation Rate for therudder - this parameter determine how fast the rudder will rotate around itsaxis. Values between 8-11 are used by allmost all pilots. Default value of 8 isfine for beginners. While value of 11 is good for 3D maneuvers where fasterpirouettes are needed.
1. 设置Sensor/Rotation Rate方向舵的传感器/旋转速率 - 此参数确定方向舵绕其轴旋转的速度(自旋速度)。几乎所有飞手都使用8-11之间的值。默认值8适合初学者。而11适用于需要更快旋转的3D飞行。(译者:我的经验是8太慢了,9或者10比较合适,11略快)
2. Set Advanced/Rudder Delay accordinglyfor your servo type - please see the Servo list where you can find optimal range.For Futaba BLS servos and ultra fast servos it is fine to set0. Slower the servo is, the higher value should be configured. If you are notsure, leave this parameter (value of 5 should fit for average digital servos).
2. 为您的舵机类型相应地设置Advanced/RudderDelay高级/方向舵延迟 - 请参阅伺服器列表,您可以在其中找到最佳范围。对于Futaba BLS舵机和超快舵机,可以设置为 0。舵机越慢,应该配置越高的值。如果您不确定,请保留此参数,默认值5应该适合大多数数字舵机。(译者:基本上现在尾舵机都非常快,我用Futaba BLS所以都设置到0)
3. Set Gyro Gain (usually in yourtransmitter) to the value, that tail is holding well, but not oscillating inany maneuver (for example Pitch pumping). This value should be as high aspossible always. If you are observing tail oscillation, you should decrease thegain to eliminate it. Please note that it is recommended to change the Gainonly in this step. In case that you have achieved 100% Gyro Gain with nooscillation, please increase Sensor/Rudder Common Gain whichwill multiply the Gyro Gain.
3. 设置Gyro Gain陀螺增益(如果定义了尾舵增益通道,就在遥控器中调整),目的是锁住尾巴,并且在任何操作中,例如瞬间抽大螺距中都不会振荡(译者:注意是震荡,这个震荡可以理解成“抖动”)。该值应尽可能高。如果出现尾部振荡,则应降低感度以消除它。请注意,建议仅在此步骤中更改增益。如果您已实现100%陀螺增益且没有振荡,可以增加Sensor/Rudder Common Gain传感器/方向舵通用增益,这将增加陀螺增益(译者:用倍率的方式,直接乘以目前的感度值,目的还是让尾舵陀螺感度尽可能大)。(译者:这段就是调整尾舵感度,直到悬停飞行的时候没有金鱼尾,如果感度不够,就增加Sensor/Rudder Common Gain倍率,继续调高感度。直到出现震荡,就降下来,这样就能找到“尽可能大的感度”。我的经验是越小型机,感度越低;越是大型机,感度需要越高,并且需要倍率。同时,同一架飞机,不同的转速,高转速的感度也相对低转速时低一点。)
4. Now, when your gain is configured, your tail canstill not hold the position exactly. That's because your mechanical gain is nothigh as necessary. You can fix it by increasing the Advanced/PiroConsistency value. Increase it by 5 gradually until the tail willhold. The value should be nearly in all cases between 155 - 190. With highervalues the rudder will rotate more constantly and so can be even more sharp.With bigger size helicopter the value is often higher. It depends mostly on thehelicopter construction (manufacturer), servo arm and servo type. For FutabaBLS servos or similar, it is needed to increase the value even more(in rare cases to value of 200). You shouldn't set the parameter too high ifnot necessary (always set only as high as really necessary), otherwise tailoscillation in high extent can occur. You can verify it in a fastforward flight or pitch pumps whether the value istoo high and you can see any oscillations.
4. 现在尾舵感度设置完成了,但可能你的尾巴仍然不能保持位置(锁的不好)。那是因为你的机械增益没有达到必要的精度(译者:这里应该是指舵机行程和舵机性能匹配的问题)。您可以通过增加 Advanced/Piro Consistency 值来修复它。 逐渐增加5直到尾巴锁死。该值在所有情况下都应在 155 - 190 之间。值越高,方向舵旋转的越频繁(译者:修正的越频繁),因此可能会更加锋利(译者:感觉非常硬)。对于更大尺寸的直升机,此参数值通常更高。它主要取决于直升机结构(制造商)、舵机臂和舵机类型。对于Futaba BLS舵机或类似的舵机,需要进一步增加该值,甚至在极少数情况下增加到 200。如果没有必要,您不应将参数设置得太高(始终仅设置为真正需要的高),否则可能会发生尾部振荡(译者:震荡理解为抖动)。 您可以在快进飞行或快速大螺距pitch pumps中验证该值是否太高,如果振荡就说明高了。
5. If the tail is still not holding well the problemcould be:
5. 如果尾巴仍然不能很好地锁定,问题可能是:
·      Head Speed is holding poorly or too agressively duringload. (can be improved by Governor settings or Throttle Curve change).
·      There is a mechanical issue. Check by spooling up themotor with no blades, then move with the tail push rod carefully by hand fromend to end. (push rod disconnected from servo).
·      Tail servo is too slow (0.07s/60° or higher) - increasethe Advanced/Rudder Revomix to value 1-4. Higher values arenot recommended.
  • 在大负荷飞行中主旋翼定速效果太差或者定速设置太敏感。可以通过电调定速设置或更改油门曲线来改进。
  • 存在机械问题。拆掉桨,将尾舵机拉杆从舵机上断开,然后通电转动电机,用手代替尾舵机推动推拉杆,检查全部行程内是否有问题。
  • 尾舵太慢(0.07s/60°       或更高)-        Advanced/Rudder Revomix 增加到值 1-4。不建议使用更高的值。(译者:这项调节相当于对尾舵增加了一个与螺距的混控,打螺距就自动给反尾舵,阻止你锁不住尾)
6. When above steps are done, you can tune theStopping Behavior. For this purpose use the Advanced/Rudder Dynamic parameter.Value determine how aggressive the rudder stops and the steering is. If youlike sharp stops, you should set value between 6 to 8. If you like extra sharpbehavior, then value higher than 10 are good for you. But high values are verydemanding for servos and mechanics, so you should be carefull. If you likesmooth stopping so that steering is also very smooth, you should set valuesbetween 5-7. If value is too low, the rudder reaction can be even delayed. Incase the tail stopping is not equal or overshooting to one side, you candecrease the Rudder End-point for such side (mostly closer to the tail blades)by 0,5-1mm.
6. 完成上述步骤后,您可以调整停止行为。请使用 Advanced/RudderDynamic 参数。此参数确定方向舵停止和转向的积极程度。如果你喜欢急停,你应该将值设置在6到8之间。如果你喜欢更急停的行为,那么可以尝试高于10的值。但是高值对舵机和机械的要求很高,所以应当小心尝试。如果您喜欢平滑的停止的感觉,则应将值设置在5-7之间。如果值太低,方向舵反应甚至会延迟。如果两侧的停止感觉不一致,可以通过降低一侧终点Rudder End-point0.5-1mm来改善(译者:这里讲的不太清楚,具体在哪个方向调整需要自己尝试)。(译者:本条设定和第四条设定对于尾巴手感的影响非常多,通过调整,会得到非常硬朗或者平滑的尾舵手感,国内好像都比较喜欢“一根棍”似的硬朗手感,柔软平滑的尾舵手感应该也是一种风格,但好像大家就都靠手来调节了)

❗Make sure the Cyclic Ring -Aileron/Elevator range is as high as possible without binding even in min/maxcollective pitch. Ideally it should be equal angle with your max. collectivepitch. But it is extremely important to not exceed angles allowed by the modelmanufacturer. With models of size 600 and bigger risk of boomstrike is veryhigh with lower RPM.
❗确保 Cyclic Ring - Aileron/Elevator 范围尽可能高(译者: Cyclic Ring - Aileron/Elevator的作用是限制副翼和升降舵的组合输出,在某些无副翼系统上,这个调整称为十字盘干涉调整),即使在最小/最大集体螺距中副翼和俯仰的打杆也没有干涉(译者:出现憋舵机的嗡嗡声)。理想情况下,它应该与集体螺距的最大值相等(译者:个人理解是集体螺距中立点时候副翼和升降舵组合出的极限角度)。但是不要超过模型厂家设计的允许最大角度。超过最大角度的风险在于对于600级以上的飞机,在主桨转速较低的情况下发生爆桨砍尾管的风险非常高。
Tuning Procedure:
1. Increase the Sensor/CyclicGain if you can observe the cyclic is not level during pitch pumpsor flight is not precise. Mostly values around 60% are optimal for all models.You shouldn't set the gain as high as possible always. If it is too high,steering can be even delayed little bit and not that comfortable. Mostly valuesabove 80% are unwanted. If gain is too high, you can see Aileron oscillations,especially when descending slowly or while doing Tic-Toc maneuver. Sometimes itis caused by too soft head dampeners or non-flybarless blades as well. But ifyou can achieve values higher than 50% then it is optimal. In some cases, ifyou want very natural feeling, you can set the Cyclic Gain to e.g. 40%, but youwill loose some precision. Stability will be still good.
1. 如果在pitch pumps(译者:可以理解为猛打正负大螺距直上直下的那种操作)期间可以观察到飞机运动不水平或飞行不精确,请增加 Sensor/Cyclic Gain 传感器/循环增益。大多数情况下,60%左右的值对于所有模型都是OK的。您不必将增益设置得尽可能高(不同于尾舵感度)。如果它太高,倾斜盘操作会有些延迟导致感觉不舒服。大多数情况下,不需要设置超过 80% 的值。如果增益太高,您会看到副翼振荡,尤其是在缓慢下降或进行钟摆运动的时候。有时也可能是因为太软的旋翼头阻尼环或使用了非无副翼大桨(大桨太软)引起的。如果您可以设置高于50%的值,一般来说就可以了。在某些情况下,如果您想要非常自然的感觉,可以将 Cyclic Gain降低到例如40%,控制精度会降低,但稳定性依然很好。
2. Set the Sensor/Rotation Rate parameterto the extent that flips and rolls are fast enough. Be carefull to not set ithigher than your mechanics can handle. The highest value for the most models isbetween 11 - 13. If the value is too high, steering is not precise andsometimes you can observe that rate is not constant (Once you finish the cyclicinput it will continue for a fraction of second).
2. 调整Sensor/Rotation Rate传感器/旋转速率参数,设置翻转和滚动速率。小心不要将其设置为高于您的飞机可以处理的速度(译者:滚太快可能飞机强度不够)。大多数模型的最高值在 11 - 13 之间。如果值太高,则翻滚会不精确,甚至会观察到速率不是恒定的,例如一旦完成循环输入,它将持续几分之一秒。
3. If input reactions are delayed, you want likely toincrease the Advanced/Cyclic Feed Forward which plays veryimportant role in overall behavior. If you are switching from e.g. Microbeast,you will be comfortable with values between 4 - 6. If you are switching fromV-Bar you will like 6 - 8. If you are switching from Bavarian Demon, you willlove values of 8 - 10. The higher values are more demanding for the servos. Inbigger helicopter you can even risk Boom Strike with too high values. Too highvalue will induce too sharp movements and also elevator bounce-back. Too lowvalue will cause very delayed (smooth) steering.
3. 如果输入反应延迟(译者:就是我们常说的不跟手),您可能希望增加在整体行为中起着非常重要作用的Advanced/Cyclic Feed Forward 高级/循环前馈。如果您之前使用例如Microbeast,4 - 6之间的值会令您感到满意。如果您之前是V-Bar用户,您会喜欢6 - 8。如果您是Bavarian Demon用户,应该会喜欢8 - 10的值。越高的值对舵机要求越高。在大型直升机中,您甚至可以用较高的值来制造Boom Strike(译者:原意是砍尾管的情况,这里我理解为爆桨)。太高的值会导致太剧烈的运动和升降反弹。太低的值会导致非常延迟(平滑)的转向。(译者:可能油王就把这个值打到头了?)
4. Now it is time to set the General/FlightStyle. This is the last parameter that determines flight characteristics.If you like very linear movements from the stick center to full stickdeflection then you will like low values. If you like flybar behavior, so thatfeeling around center is smooth but with faster input you will get a sharpresponse, then you want to set high value. With various combinations of FlightStyle and Cyclic Feed Forward you can change Cyclic feeling a lot. If you areswitching from e.g. Microbeast, you will be comfortable with values between 4 -6. If you are switching from V-Bar you will like 6 - 8. Difference betweensettings can be seen especially in a pirouette maneuvers and also Tic-Tocs. Ifvalue is too high, then blade' efficiency can decrease and motor can beoverloaded. With higher value a sharp movements are transferred faster to theservos. Also if you are doing aggressive maneuvers, it will stop faster whenstick is returned to the center. If the value is too low, then a Tic-Tocs can'tbe done fast enough, Piroflips can't be done precisely, etc. For beginners werecommend to leave default value. This parameter is only about your preferenceand both low and high value has its positive and negative side. For example, ifyou want smooth feeling around center with natural characteristics, you can setvalue of 8 for the Flight Style and Cyclic Feed Forward to 6 - 10.
4. 现在是时候设置General/Flight Style了。这是决定飞行特性的最后一个参数。如果您喜欢从摇杆中心到完全摇杆偏转的非常线性的运动,那么您会喜欢低值。如果你喜欢Flybar(传统有副翼)的风格,这样在摇杆中心周围的感觉是平滑的,但如果你快速打杆则会得到一个敏锐的响应,那么需要设置一个高值。通过改变Flight Style飞行风格和Cyclic Feed Forward循环前馈的各种组合,您可以大大改变循环螺距的操控感觉。如果您之前使用Microbeast,您会对4 - 6之间的值感到满意。如果您之前是V-Bar用户,您会喜欢6 - 8。设置之间的差异在滚转动作和钟摆动作中可以感受到。如果值太高,则大桨的效率会降低,电机可能会过载。值越高,剧烈运动(译者:sharp这里也可以理解为激烈)就越快地传递到伺服系统。此外,如果您进行激进的操作,当摇杆回到中心时,它会更快地停止。如果该值太低,则钟摆无法足够快地完成,自旋翻无法精确完成等。对于初学者,我们建议保留默认值。此参数仅与您的偏好有关,低值和高值都有其积极和消极的一面。例如,如果您希望在中心周围具有自然特征的平滑感觉,您可以将 Flight Style设置为8,Cyclic FeedForward设置为 6 - 10。
5. Lastly, you want to eliminate possible ElevatorBounce-Back effect. This can occur with high Cyclic Feed Forward, but it can bereduced by increasing Advanced/Elevator Filter parameter.Value between 2-3 should be fine for almost all helicopters. When using anaggressive blades you will need value of 4. Especially for bigger sizehelicopter, the value can be higher. In case of too high value, elevatormovement can be too smooth and in some cases elevator can oscillate with lowRPM during hovering. Set it only as high as really necessary.
5. 最后,您要消除可能的升降反弹效应。高循环前馈可能会发生这种情况,但可以通过增加Advanced/ElevatorFilter高级/电梯过滤参数来减少它。对于大部分直升机来说,2-3 之间的值应该没问题。当使用激进的大桨时(译者:比如AZ桨?或者理解为比较硬的桨,也包括较硬的中联横轴垫圈),您需要4的值。对于大尺寸的直升机,该值可以更高。如果值太高,升降运动(集体螺距)可能会过于平稳,并且在某些情况下,升降会在低大桨转速悬停的时候产生振荡。所以应仅当必要时才调整更高的数值。


参与人数 1威望 +2 模币 +10 收起 理由
pcwhere + 2 + 10 写的不错!



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dtx66 发表于 2022-1-13 23:05

 楼主| 发表于 2022-1-17 09:06 | 只看该作者
er232 发表于 2022-1-16 23:14
话说这陀螺仪有的卖吗?某宝这区区两三家1649的价格让人不由的念叨neo一番。毕竟neo是经过大众审核良久的 ...

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