SFI Frontiers forthe Future Programme for excellent independent researchers 爱尔兰自然科学基金未来前沿计划项目 招聘机械或土木工程博士一名 Civil/ Mechanical Engineering at University College Cork Project title: Geotechnicalbig data monitoring and assessment tools for evaluating whole-life performanceof underground infrastructure Supervisionteam: Dr. Zili Li (UCC)and other collaborators at UCC, Tyndall, University of Cambridge, UC Berkeley, MIT,Tongji, etc. Projectdescription: This project willdevelop and improve the aforementioned two novel tools (distributed fibre opticsensing, drone, robotics and image-based defect assessment) forgeo-infrastructure monitoring in collaboration with Cambridge University, UCBerkeley, Tyndall and industrial partners. The developed novel monitoring toolswill be applied to 2-4 ageing & prospective underground infrastructures ina large scale to gather more comprehensive monitoring big data than previouslyavailable at lower cost. 该项目将与剑桥大学、加州大学伯克利分校、Tyndall研究中心等合作,开发和改进用于岩土基础设施监测的新型工具( 无人机、机器人)。开发的新型监测工具将大规模应用于地下基础设施,大数据监测分析等等。 PositionDescription: one 4-year PhDfull-time positions start from 01 Jan 2023 or soon thereafter.The stipend is 18,500 euros per annum and tuition fee waiver. Candidate Experience: The candidate should have a minimum 2.1 inan honours Bachelor’s degree in Civil / Mechanical Engineering, or anequivalent standard from an overseas university. All applicants whose firstlanguage are not English must meet UCC English language entry requirement (e.g.,IELTS or TOEFL) in the link below: 在无人机、机器人、结构健康监测、土木/机械工程领域的机器学习方面有经验者优先。 Application: Please e-mail a CV (max. 2 pages) and a cover letteroutlining your experience and motivation to Dr. Zili Li ( zili.li@ucc.ie) assoon as possible. 爱尔兰科克大学 (University CollegeCork, UCC),是爱尔兰最古老的综合型大学之一,建校于1845年,QS全球排名前200,是爱尔兰第一所五星大学,连续三年获得年度大学称号。是一所著名的科研型大学,理学和工学实力在全球前100。据国际货币基金组织的数据统计,2018年的爱尔兰人均GDP达7.5万美元,位居世界第五位。