Potential Health Effects: Metallic zinc and aluminum are essentially non-toxic to humans. However, fumes from this product
may cause mild local irritation to eyes, nose, throat and upper airways. Acute over-exposure to zinc oxide fume may cause
metal fume fever, characterized by flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting, which may be delayed 3-10
hours in onset. In most cases, dermal exposure to metallic zinc and aluminum does not result in any noticeable toxic effects.
Zinc and aluminum are not listed as carcinogens by OSHA, NTP, IARC, ACGIH or the EU (see Toxicological Information,
Section 11).
金属锌/铝对人无明显毒害. 但放出的烟雾可以引起眼部, 鼻, 喉, 上呼吸
道不适. 严重暴露在氧化锌烟雾中可以引起金属烟雾症, 病徵像感冒, 会出
现发冷, 发热, 噁心, 呕吐. 病徵可在接触金属烟雾三至十小时后发生.
表皮接触锌/铝不產生明显中毒现象, 亦未有列為致癌物质.
抽风的硬件价钱相当低, 没有理由忽视.