实际我全部的意思只是给兄弟们提供一点信息,请大家看到我们的发展,多一点信心,少一点迷信,仅此而已。如果这些信息没人感兴趣,俺收声便罢。:loveliness: :em12:
PS(1): 您提到的几个品牌,全都是贴牌商而已,没有一个有电芯生产能力。
PS(2): 学生玩家已经用 0720i 了! 真的令人羡慕不已,我当年变压器+整流桥的穷酸样还历历在目........
PS(3) 俺不靠卖电池吃饭,好多人的习惯思维方式真的有意思。
Any cell below 1000mAh was always safe to charge at 5C. This has been the case for around 3yrs now.
The factory that produces Hyperion cells does not recommend charging at 5C. Only the vendor has made this guarantee.
We recomend charging at between .5 to 3C and we advise all our customers to not charge above these currents. Even though we have received test results from various factories showing that the cells can now handle 5C charging on even 5,000mAh packs for more than 100 cycles, they and we do not recommend it purely for safety reasons.
The '5C' hype has spread to many of the Chinese lipo factories and most are now claiming that their cells can be charged at these new high rates, but they don't guarantee it.
Our advice is to be sensible and charge at 2-3C to extend the life of your batteries and keep charging at a safe current level.
The only magic I see is in the marketing.
Once we have finished our current sticker labels (we have around 89,000pc remaining) we will be reprinting the new label with 5C.
It seems all factories, even ones that don't supply to us are now claiming 5C charging and sending me all maner of graphs and test data showing minimal voltage sag.
5C charging on smaller packs is a no biggy and has been around for some time.
If your battery is 30 or 40C, then 5C charging is actually on the low side.
We will be updating stickers and ad materials soon to reflect these market trends and test results.
The factories are well on the bandwagon also. And I don't blame them as the factory that makes the Hyperion pack also supplies to 30% of the brands already in the hobby market plus their raw materials are almost open source standard stuff. |