Morphing Transitions V1.1
Ok, In this video we gonna work on and learn, Morphing Transitions.
And the first things you should to work on . If you haven't ready.
It's gonna do a half flip like I am doing here.
Uh basicly you gonna work on flipping the helicopter inverted and just make sure that you can keep it there steadily and understand that movement.
now gonna do the tail in and nose in.
Uhn , in so you can really get you can handle of it. in kind of keep it in one spot.
You gonna get the motions of flipping over and adjusting the collective and cyclic.
So then you can get a pretty good hover.
Uh, once you get that down, the next things to work on is.
Doing the same things but rotating the tail. uh 90 degrees.
oh aim sorry 180 degree. coz you want do there. Its gonna rotate the tail around.
As you doing your half flips. you gonna work on doing it slow.
And ah get your collective management down, so you can get your time just right.
Do the same things nose in. Uh just practice doing this half flips. with bringing the tail around.
And what's you gonna find is. What i am showing you here.
the key component to doing a Morphing..
敲到这里才看到。。。 楼主发错了.. 这是Morphing Transtation....