原帖由 inferno 于 2011-7-19 02:53 发表 
这个东西确实是个人感觉很重要。反正我在做T-55时候遇到的纯产品质量问题是多得很。让人火大。我也希望虎贲的东西好一些。不要那么烂。好像他们的象式比T-55好了一些。不去讨论这些事了。我什么时候有时间一定去拜访 ...
just joking, sure, call me and we will see if possible we can meet, maybe i can take you to the next battle day on the detroit side or we can have a mini battle day with Greg and his friend. Bring your pantiger along with you too:em19:, check your pm. |