本帖最后由 payne_pan 于 2015-11-17 11:28 编辑
基于Atmel 8位处理器的 的Multiwii 是很容易DIY, 也很用用Arduino IDE编成,但这些微控制器,很难平滑过渡了到32位微控制器的世界
32位多用基于arm的stm32, baseflight, cleanflight 就是Multiwii完全改写了的运行在32位arm微控制器的飞控程序。
回想过去买个Arduino mini, 买个传感器 gy86,gy87或gy521, 很容易就做了一个Multi, 我也希望以此方式来做stm32
一个stm32 board 大概 25元, 再小点的 17元
可以是集成的 10DOF GY86 或 GY87 等 (价格30-80元不等)
也可以是分离的 气压计, 加速度/陀螺仪,磁场单独购买 (价格几元到20元)
Pin to be connected:
PB10 - SCL
PB11 - SDA
PA9 - TX1 - (Bluetooth-Telemetry)
PA10 - RX1 - (Bluetooth-Telemetry)
PA0 -> CH1 - PPM
PA8 - PWM1 (29)
PA11 - PWM2 (32)
PB6 - PWM3 (42)
PB7 - PWM4 (43)
PB8 - PWM5
PB9 - PWM6
PA2 -> TX2 (3.3v GPS or PWM Input #3)
PA3 -> RX2 (3.3v GPS or PWM Input #4)
PA12 -> Buzzer
Both pins can't be used as it is for both the usage, since for buzzer is needed a transistor for drive the buzzer, and for VBAT it is needed a voltage divider (two resistors) plus a stabilizer (capacitor)
PB4 -> LED0
PB3 -> LED1
Both need a led + a resistor for avoid to overload the ping ... 1k resistor should do the job (even 1 shared between the two led for save few cents)
Here are the pin to be connected for each PWM input channel (please refer to TimeCop Naze32 manual for know the channel order, I have no idea if he use TAER1234 or AETR1234 ... or else )
PA0 -> Channel 1
PA1 -> Channel 2
PA2 -> Channel 3
PA3 -> Channel 4
PA6 -> Channel 5
PA7 -> Channel 6
PB0 -> Channel 7
PB1 -> Channel 8