我所谓的“蜜月期”是指他们的合作期,当时JR在美国卖的2.4GHz控用的都是Spektrum的RF模块。JR PCM12X差不多是在2007发布的,当时只有FM版本。而JR在美国的销售全部由HH处理,Spektrum版本的12X采用的就是他家自己的2.4GHz RF模块。无论是Spketrum的版本还是JR自己的版本,都是在他们的合作期生产的,但这并不意味着是他们合作生产的,这话没错吧?Spektrum在设计遥控器时借鉴了很多JR的设计,比如这个滚轮,DX6第一版和DX7第一版完全是JR OEM的,当然后来二者可能在技术上彻底分开,Spektrum的控也开始找寻自己的设计风格,当然HH还是继续在美国销售JR的控。
“Spektrum is wholly owned by Horizon. JR is by JR Propo of Japan, and is imported into the US by Horizon. JR and Horizon/Spektrum have an agreement to work together. So the DX6 and DX7 are JR radios (662 and 7202 respectively) with Spektrum RF decks and Spektrum colors and labels. X9303 and 12X are JR radios, with Spektrum RF decks and JR labeling. I think JR saw an opportunity to get their feet wet in 2.4 without taking a risk of screwing up the JR name. Once it was proven and accepted, they brought out JR branded products with Spektrum RF. Any DSM2 Spektrum Tx will work with JR Rxs, and any JR Tx will work with any Spektrum Rx. Only incompatibility is the DX6 is DSM, and JR doesn't make any DSm Rxs, only DSM2.”